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A/C Repair or Replacement Indicators and Warnings

This can be a daunting question.  How can you be sure that your A/C system needs repair or replacement?  Are the issues really issues at all?

Rules of thumb to keep in mind when determining the need for A/C repair or replacement:

If you have a newer A/C system of about 5-7 years old you will more than likely want to repair any issue.   First, check the manufacturer’s warranty to see if your system is still covered.  Most manufacturers will offer 5-10 years on the compressor, condenser, and coils. All of this information will be spelled out in your warranty papers.  You can always reach out to the manufacturer to see what parts qualify if you don’t have the paperwork.

If your A/C equipment isn’t performing like it used to, you probably need Preventative Maintenance or a Tune Up. Manufacturers suggest regular maintenance by a qualified professional every season. Read more on Preventative Maintenance here.

The age of your system will often determine if replacement is necessary.  Systems older than 10 years will more than likely need to be upgraded.  Older HVAC systems are less efficient using more energy and costing more money.  If your HVAC system is over 10 years old you can expect to save up to 50% in operating costs simply by increasing the efficiency ratio with a new condenser unit and indoor evaporator coil.  Not only will you save money on repairs, but you’ll see monthly savings on your utility bills.

Today’s higher efficiency systems have innovative comfort features like two stage compressors, variable speed fans, and automatic temperature/humidity controls allow you to experience more consistency and comfort from your heating and cooling system.

Often when one component on your system breaks down unexpectedly, it seems easy to just focus on repairing or replacing that component; however, each part of your system works with the others to boost efficiency and reliability, so it helps to keep the big picture in mind.

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